Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Star Wars Titanium - AT-AT & Snowspeeder

Buy them at Amazon:

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Star Wars Titanium - Best of The Return of the Jedi - Small Ships

Let's face it. The Ewoks overpowered the second half of the movie, and overshadowed the real action going on in the Rebels darkest hour. That's right - the Ships. Not the big, bulbous Calamari ships. Nor the Executor. Return of the Jedi gave us some of the finest small ships the galaxy has ever seen, and I believe they hold up against the best the new eps have to offer.

Let's take a look.

Imperial Shuttle and TIE Interceptors
First off, the Imperial Shuttle. Simple, elegant, sleek. Capable of hauling a Dark Lord of the Sith or a band of Rebel Scum. And look good doing either. I realize there is nothing overly unique about this ship, but something about the lines has always gotten me.

Then, to complement the shuttle, we get the latest version in the TIE series - a TIE Interceptor. It's like everything cool in a dark grey TIE that was exactly uncool about the first dark grey TIE variant we saw. Keeping the best part (the bent wings), they proceeded to make a vehicle that was truly worthy. Sorry, but Darth's TIE just never did it for me - it was too bulky and cumbersome looking. I guess kind of like Vader, but we won't get into that here. Let's focus on the wonderful goodness of the sleek TIE Interceptor.

Not to be outdone, the Rebels got a nice little boost to their available starfighter reserve. I never really understood why they called it a B-wing other than alphabetical bias, because really it should have been a T-wing or I-wing or IT-wing. But hey, I was only 13 at the time so I didn't really care what they called it - just that it was super cool and the cockpit on the toy stayed level as you spun the ship around it, and the wings opened and closed. It was the latest in modern toy miracology. So, the B-wing got a lot of play time.

The A-wing is a lately come favorite of mine, surprisingly. I never had one as a kid so I never really developed an attachment. But when I recently picked up the Titanium version I did the unthinkable and I actually opened it to display. And I fell in love with it. Again, simply sleek and realistic for a space jock to hurtle around in.

So in conclusion, I have to say these four ships are probably the finest to come out of the original Star Wars trilogy, and hold their own easily with higher tech wonders like the Venator-class Star Destroyer or the Jedi Starfighters. I'd take a spin in them any day of the week.