Friday, July 15, 2016

That's No Moon...

Ok, maybe a cheap and obvious shot. But call a space station a space station.

Supposed to be on Tatooine Rogue One

A communication disruption can mean only one thing. Invasion.

...or a nice vacation.

I Ain't Fraid of No Ghost

A little tip of the hat to Star Wars: Rebels too.

Pissed off Pokemon Rogue One

Some Pokemon I guess you don't want to catch.

Four Toed Statue in Rogue One

It's no secret that two of my favorite things are Star Wars and LOST. So....

Admirable Sandbar

Ok, this may be going a tad too far.

Go Diego Go Rogue One

In this shot of Rogue One, Diego Luna is encouraged by his fellow Rebel Jyn Erso.

The Force Awakens Sequel Rogue One

Not everyone knows that Rogue One is set before Episode Four, A New Hope. Use this meme to help educate the less educated. And by help I mean mock :D

Join The Empire They Said

Join the Empire, they said. See exotic places they said. They didn't mention anything about hunting rebel scum on the beach and getting my toes all soaked.