Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Star Wars is Alive...With The Force Awakens


As a music geek, I was ruminating on the new Star Wars movie and came up with a Solfege based on Star Wars. It goes:

Poe, Rey, Mee, Sa, So, Lo, Tee, Do!

Knowing quite a few Star Wars geeks, a friend rose to the occasion and provided this lovely graphic:

Maybe it should have been Gree Do! But I digress from the point, because after I mentioned the new Starfege, another friend challenged me to come up with Sound of Music lyrics for it. So without further ado, I present: Star Wars is Alive. To the tune of "The Hills are Alive" from The Sound of Music. Natch.

Star Wars is alive, with The Force Awakens
With tales they have told for a thousand years
The stormtrooper Finn, sees his friend get taken
But Han knows his fate is already here

And Poe flies his Wing like he's Walker of the Skies that
That flew from the Star to the Snow
And Ren wants to be like his gramps
that beat all the Jedi we know

To roar like a Wookie when it's mad
that his life debt was in vain
Continue the fight
Though the Princess feels the pain

I go see Star Wars and my heart is happy
I hope what I see is not just a fluke
My heart will be thrilled with the next movie
When we see more Luke

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