Friday, May 8, 2015

Max Von Sydow's Role in The Force Awakens

Warning: this post and all links are ***POTENTIAL SPOILER ALERT***


According to The Nerdist, who according to MoviePilot, the role of Max Von Sydow has been rumored to be revealed: None other than our favorite Bounty Hunter, Boba Fett. An aged and scarred Fett escaped from the Sarlacc (Hello? Armor and bad freaking weapons? Like the Sarlacc had a chance) and got himself some cybernetics to repair the damage that he did take. The rumor continues, that the reveal will be in the third act of The Force Awakens, and will tie into the events following the Battle of Jakku...which brings me to my own supposition of this....

My theories: After getting back into shape after his brush with death, Fett has one thing on his mind: Take out the guys who took almost everything from him. So either he is still on retainer to the remnants of the Empire, or he does it out of personal pique - but Boba Fett ends up tracking Luke and Han to Jakku just as a major battle starts.

During the battle, Boba Fett manages to kill one of Luke's good friends. Obviously, not Han - but maybe someone else we haven't heard about for TFA? Maybe a certain fellow fighter pilot that was with Luke through thick and thin in the original trilogy? Maybe a certain Wedge Antilles? Regardless of who it actually is, it is conceivable that this is what sets Luke off and loses his cool. This is based on the plot theory that at some point, Luke did something horrible with the Force and destroyed a LOT of stuff and killed a LOT of people. This is why he went into hiding, to protect the Galaxy from himself.

So my theory is that the Battle of Jakku ended with Luke bringing down not only the Imperial Fleet, but also the Republic/Rebel fleet that was engaging it. This is why there are wrecks of Star Destroyers (at least 1 Imperial Star Destroyer and potentially a Super Star Destroyer) and also an X-Wing. (Was the X-Wing a hint that Wedge did in fact meet George Lucas, er, his Creator at Jakku?) And this was triggered by Boba Fett in some way. So is Max Von Sydow approached at some point in The Force Awakens to try tracking down Luke, due to his close interactions with him back then? Is he going to be reformed from all this and be like "Yeah, I saw a lot of stuff go down at Jakku. I don't play that game anymore." Or is going to be like, "Yeah, let's go get this guy and put him out of the Galaxy's misery once and for all!" Only time will tell on that...

And to wrap up, The Force Awakens takes place between 25-30 years after the Battle of Jakku. Daisy Ridley, portraying Rey, is 23 years old in real life this year. Is it possible that Luke in some way infused her with the Force when he went all crazy? And that she is his legacy, but not his blood daughter - or the daughter of any of the other major characters, as has been surmised?

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