Saturday, August 16, 2008

Game System - Trinity

In 1997, White Wolf Game Studio attempted a new addition to their gaming catalog - a trilogy of RPGs using the same game system, and occuring at different points in the fictional universe's time line. Although the games were published in reverse order, with Trinity being the first actually published, the 3 games chronologically are Adventure!, Aberrant, and then Trinity.

Set in 1924, Adventure! is a pulp action setting, and the game book itself was published in sepia tones to evoke the mood of that time period. Daredevils, Mesmerists and Stalwarts explore and seek the cause of the release of Telluric energy. This is what causes the heroes to gain their powers, and sets the foundation for the next two games.

A super hero based game set in 2008, this is the second of the trilogy and deals with the near future, and the ways in which the Telluric energy has change society.

Trinity is in the 22nd century, and deals with the aftermath of a great war that started in the Aberrant time era.

The three games were all originally published utilizing the Storyteller game system, and were later re-released under the d20 system.

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