Monday, August 18, 2008

Stephen R. Donaldson

One of my favorite authors. Stephen Donaldson wrote several series, the best known being The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant, the Unbeliever. A story about a leper author who gets transported into a fantasy world in which he is to be the Hero, Covenant is truly an anti-Hero story as Thomas' leprosy and psychological regimen prevents him from buying into the dream world in which he finds himself.

His other series contain characters that are also self abnegating, set against a backdrop of high drama and intrigue that lends verisimilitude to the decisions made, however antithetical they might be to the paradigm they find themselves in.

The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant, the Unbeliever
Mordant's Need
The Gap
The Man Who...

Click here to go to the Stephen R. Donaldson section of The Goblin Trove store

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