Saturday, August 16, 2008

D&D Module - B2 Keep on the Borderlands

RPGs> Fantasy> Dungeons and Dragons> D&D

Any old time D&D fan will know this module, as it was included in the D&D Box Set from 1979-1982 and was an introduction level module that would be the first adventure many newbies to the game would experience.

The basic plot is a typical dungeon crawl - go into the Caves of Chaos and kill all the bad guys. These included Kobolds, Orcs (two warring tribes!), Goblins, and a fearsome Minotaur among others. The module serves as kind of a "Who's who" of enemies from the basic D&D game, and most adventurers will encounter this stable over and over again throughout their adventuring careers.

B2 also spawned several sequels and re-dos, most notably Return to the Keep on the Borderlands, a 2nd Edition version set 20 years after the events of the original module. A pared down version also appears in the super module B1-9 In Search of Adventure. A novel, The Keep on the Borderlands, was published as a standalone novel with the tag of "Greyhawk". There has been some contention regarding the Return and the novel as the original Keep was added to the Mystara campaign setting, and crossed characters and gods could confuse the uninitiated.

Hackmaster also published a version of the adventure.

Keep on the Borderlands at Wikipedia
Keep on the Borderlands at RPGNet

Purchase the varying incarnations at Amazon:

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